Help Your Donors and Increase Your Impact

Nearly 70% of your donors don’t have Wills. You can help them.

More donors will include your nonprofit in their will, if you ask them AND make it easy. 


Without increasing your workload, our online Will-creation tool increases gifts from Wills while also increasing annual giving. Good Raising exists to help nonprofits solve their funding problems. 


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Donors get a free, high quality Will they can complete online in 15 minutes. Their process includes a zero-pressure opportunity to leave a portion of their estate to your nonprofit. 

Your nonprofit gets an automated planned giving program that increases funding to sustain and expand your impact. No more guessing – you get real-time data to demonstrate success. 

Help Donors Protect Their Families from the Stress and Expense of Not Having a Will

Make it Easy (not a hassle) for Supporters to Leave your Nonprofit a Gift in their Will.

Get a Planned Giving Program that is Automated and Effective, with Data to Demonstrate Success.

“As a pastor, I saw the pain and conflict created when someone dies without a will. As the leader of a nonprofit, I know we haven’t done enough to make it easy for donors to leave us a gift from their will. Good Raising addresses both problems.”    Don Woolley, Founder

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The Process is Easy


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We Build and Customize the Product for Your Organization, Provide Onboarding and Support

You Promote and Share the Link with Prospective Donors


Problem: Nearly seventy percent of adults don’t have a will. 


Solution: Help Your Donors

Bottom Line:  By your generosity, your constituents can now easily complete a will to protect their families and loved ones, as well as their assets.


 Find out more

Problem: Most planned giving programs underperform. 


Solution: Increase Your Impact

Bottom Line: Your organization now has an automated, donor-centric planned giving program that effectively secures new income to fund your future. 

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Your donors deserve a will and the opportunity to support your cause. Your mission deserves a time-saving, effective planned giving tool. Schedule a Demo to get started.


Did you know that a person’s estate gift averages 3X their total lifetime giving? For more surprises about planned giving, download our “Facts to Consider” pdf. 


ROI :  We Expect a 10X – 30X Return On Investment